Learn Semba, Kizomba & Urban Kiz, dance and have fun! Kizomba is a musical genre and an African dance, native of Angola, which became popular in Europe and All over the World. About the Classes: -Semba Class - No dancing experience is required, we will teach you the basic steps and syllabus of the Semba dance - the father or Kizomba, and combine these steps together in a fun and attractive way for you to start your journey in the Beautiful Kizomba dance. Schedule -7:30 pm -Semba Class - Open Level Prices -1 class 10 euro About the Teachers: Paulo & Justyna have been teaching regularly in Cork since June 2018, and have trained with the Best Kizomba & Semba Masters in the world, including: ➖JOJO #letsplaykizomba ➖Mestre Petchu ➖Miguel & Susana ➖Paulo & Lana ➖Chamalo & Mirty ➖Albir Rojas ➖Isabel & Felicien 100% Satisfaction Guarantee If you’re not satisfied, we don’t expect you to pay! That’s our commitment & your guarantee. That’s 100% KIZOMBÉIRE !



The Commercial, Catherine Street, Limerick, Ireland

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